I was going through my posts cleaning things up and discovered this incomplete post from NaNo 2009. Even though it's not complete, I thought I'd go ahead and hit the publish button. The tension between character-driven and plot-driven stories is still something I wrestle with.
There are many ways to divide people up. One way to divide writers is between those who write character-based stories and those that write plot-based stories. I have long wanted to be the former type, but have secretly feared I might be the latter.
Plot-based stories tend to be pretty exciting. Lots of things happen and the story keep moving along, but the characters don't necessarily change much and in the end you're left with something entertaining, but not necessarily meaningful. They're often the types of books or movies you enjoy once, but probably won't care to read/watch again.
Character-based stories tend to move a little more slowly. You get into the whys and wherefores so that learning the character's background and motivation--why the character is going what they're doing--is at least as important as what they are doing.
I have long enjoyed character based stories, particularly quirky characters like those in the works of P.G. Wodehouse's stories or Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake. (For this I blame an early exposure to the works of James Blaylock and his friend Tim Powers.) I also particularly like (and this will expose the truly pedestrian nature of my tastes) the method of character reveal in some of the better anime like Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. (Here I'm talking about the anime, I haven't read the manga yet.) I particularly like the reveal/transformation of Vash's character in Trigun.
But... I've long feared I lean more toward the plot-based type stories in my writing. Part of that, I think, just comes with maturity. When I was younger, it was all about the action. Also, I didn't like hurting my characters. (I think a lot of young writers start off writing Mary Sue type characters to some degree.) Having grown older, I can now appreciate implications of character that probably escaped me when I was younger.
So what does all this have to do with NaNoWriMo?
This story is more of a plot story and I'm having more trouble with it than last year. I spent half the book just leading up to the war when most adaptations of the Anabasis begin about the time Cyrus gets killed. Why did I do that? It's because there were all this cool interpersonal tensions between the generals and the Greeks and the Persians as well as the fact that Cyrus was obviously lying to them as he led them to Persia.
At this point the Greeks are marching towards home. They've just left Persia and are halfway through Kurdistan. Now don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of interpersonal conflict, but there's just so much more plot to get through. (Xenophon himself describes their trek through Kurdistan as seven days of non-stop fighting.)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Week 3 Down and Moving Into the Final Stretch
This week has been a bit of a struggle. Although I've stayed well above the running total I should have for each day, I haven't always done my full 1667 for the day. For some reason the word widget at the side of the blog isn't showing the three days at the end of the week where I came up short. As a result, my cushion of words has dropped a little.
Story wise, I'm well into the "mushy middle". However, because the story naturally has a nice plot twist around the true middle, for me its more like a "mushy three-quarters".
Sudden disaster has led to political conflict and unexpected betrayal. Now Kenneth Phon has to step up and get the fleet back home. At this point they're wandering around deep in alien territory just trying to find a way out and have just learned their best option may be through the territory of a backwards race so aggressive that even the empire won't mess with them.
Ironically, the thing that's holding me up in this story, is not what you would expect. Perhaps I'll blog about it tomorrow. I'm taking all of next week off so I can try to power through the 50k mark. I may just have time to blog this before the end of the week.
Story wise, I'm well into the "mushy middle". However, because the story naturally has a nice plot twist around the true middle, for me its more like a "mushy three-quarters".
Sudden disaster has led to political conflict and unexpected betrayal. Now Kenneth Phon has to step up and get the fleet back home. At this point they're wandering around deep in alien territory just trying to find a way out and have just learned their best option may be through the territory of a backwards race so aggressive that even the empire won't mess with them.
Ironically, the thing that's holding me up in this story, is not what you would expect. Perhaps I'll blog about it tomorrow. I'm taking all of next week off so I can try to power through the 50k mark. I may just have time to blog this before the end of the week.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Week 2 Down, Week 3 Begun
This is where things often get hard. Story wise one tends to be stuck in the muddy middle. NaNoWriMo wise, this is also where the lack of sleep starts to catch up to you. Yes, I miss my free time and I miss my family time, but to tell you the truth at this point I mostly miss my bed time. I've had a couple of days where I really just wanted to say screw the writing, I'm just going to take a 12 hour nap. But, so far, I've managed to gut it out.
I crossed the halfway mark two days early and I'm within two or three hundred words of the 2/3 mark. Assuming disaster doesn't strike, I should cross that tomorrow, two and a half days early. Sure, I could probably do that tonight but, A) I'm going to bed as soon as I post this and B) I just ended a scene at a major turning point and if I start the next scene I probably won't stop for a couple thousand words at which time I'm sure it will be well past midnight.
I know a few of you sick and twisted people are thinking, "So, when am I going to get to see this thing?" Well, the answer is probably not for a long while. But if you really are morbidly curious, I posted the first chapter on my profile at http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/200847
I should warn you that it is a VERY ROUGH first draft. Also, it begins a little weird, but then you should expect that from me by now.
I crossed the halfway mark two days early and I'm within two or three hundred words of the 2/3 mark. Assuming disaster doesn't strike, I should cross that tomorrow, two and a half days early. Sure, I could probably do that tonight but, A) I'm going to bed as soon as I post this and B) I just ended a scene at a major turning point and if I start the next scene I probably won't stop for a couple thousand words at which time I'm sure it will be well past midnight.
I know a few of you sick and twisted people are thinking, "So, when am I going to get to see this thing?" Well, the answer is probably not for a long while. But if you really are morbidly curious, I posted the first chapter on my profile at http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/200847
I should warn you that it is a VERY ROUGH first draft. Also, it begins a little weird, but then you should expect that from me by now.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Starting Week 2

It's probably just the normal tricks of memory, but it seems like this story is resisting me a little more than the last two nano projects. This despite the fact that the story is already pretty much laid out for me. In some ways I've been living with this story for decades. Perhaps that's why this story feels more like a re-write than a discovery draft. Still, the only reason I even made goal tonight was because I already had the next scene well mapped out. At least I don't have to stare at a blinking cursor and wonder what comes next. I just have to figure out how I'm going to get to the next scene.
The big battle has just begun and Kennth Phon's (Xenephon) employer, the alien "Shines Like the Sun" (Cyrus the younger) looks to be winning. I've completely manufactured an incident in the battle (since the real Xenephon hardly mentions his role until after the disaster befalls them) that would be worthy of a good action movie's opening stunt. Let's hope I don't introduce any plot complications I'll later regret.
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